Today's Date
WONGOSOL treats individuals or groups of individuals fairly and equally, specific to their needs.
WONGOSOL promotes self-determination in people, especially women and girls and in communities.
Today's Date
Head OFFice
Organization Name
To become a member of the Women Non-Government Organization of the Republic of Liberia, all admission shall be based on criteria set in the Committee.
Kindly read and understand the membership criteria of the Women Non-Governmental Organization Secretariat of Liberia.
Organization should be fully organized.
Organization should be accredited and recognized by Government.
Organization should be able to pay their dues.
Organization should have an office space.
Organization should be regular at meetings, including call and emergency meeting.
Be eligible for training, information, travels, business involvement, local and international representation and recommendation..
Each Women group shall have the following roles & Responsibilities to WONGOSOL:
Dues are payable from January1, through December 31 of each calendar year. Dues shall be paid monthly. Appropriate due receipts will be issued. Dues not paid by December 31 shall be considered delinquent and all voting and other membership privileges shall be forfeited. However, membership may be re-instated with full privileges for the remaining of the membership year by paying all delinquent dues and other indebtedness to the organization. An organization is certificated upon payment of all dues.